AIOU Degree Verification Complete Process
Do you want to know what is the procedure for AIOU Degree Verification? You get your final transcript, but need a degree to apply for further studies? Don’t you know when you’ll be able to verify your degree? Don’t worry! You can easily verify it! Just follow the procedure.
According to the university, AIOU Degree Verification can be done by two different methods. First, fill out your online application on the portals i.e. CMS or Enrollment, and then send it to the university by courier. The second method is to fill out the application form and go to the head office in Islamabad along with your documents. By following these two methods your degree will be verified within a few days only.
AIOU Degree Verification Form
There are two types of forms available. First is the online form that is filled out on Enrollment. Fill out this online form and take a print of it. Second, a hard copy of an application form, which can be downloaded from here. Fill out the complete form with a blue or black pen. In this particular form write your all personal details i.e. roll number, registration number, courses, etc.
AIOU Degree Verification Challan
After completing the application form, take a print of the challan form. A challan form is mandatory to verify any kind of degree. To take a print of your challan form, first of all, click on Download Challan Form. After that select the category “Student”, and push the button “Next”.
A new window will be opened. Here you have to write your roll number, name, and your father’s name. Then, choose the certificate/degree verification fee in a category selection. At the end, choose by which method you want to verify your degree, and click on the next button. In the next window, your challan form will come in front of your screen.
AIOU Degree Verification Fee
If you apply for verification by post, then your fee will be normal which is Rs.600/-. In this case, the maximum it takes is up to 1 month for the overall procedure. While if you apply for verification by hand on the same day, then the total fee cost is Rs.1000/-. In this case, you will get your verified degree within 2-3 working days or might be on the same day. Submit your fee to any of the specified banks that are mentioned on the challan.
AIOU Degree Verification Tracking
Once you applied for the verification then you can track your details on the tracking system of the university. Usually, the university takes a few weeks to send it back to your house by courier. Due to the important document students are curious about that envelope. But don’t worry, these documents are sealed in the yellow label, and the courier service also knows its importance. Just track it online where the document is right now and when it’ll be delivered.
AIOU Degree Verification Status
At AIOU Online Degree Verification System you can check the latest status of your degree. Write your roll number in the search box and then click on the search button. When you click a green box will be opened. All the details will be mentioned on it i.e. date of initiation, date of dispatch, UMS number, etc. Hence the university makes it very simple for the student to remain updated about their degree.
AIOU Degree Delivery
Delivery time according to the Allama Iqbal University is 1 week for the courier or by post. While for the same day, you need to pay an extra Rs.400/- so that you get it as soon within a day. May it be sure that if you want to get it by hand, then you must have an ID Card along with you. Moreover, it is not necessary that courier time delivery takes only 1 week, but it can take up to 1 month.
AIOU Degree Verification Contact Number
You can directly contact them by email or call the controller helpline number. A contact number is always helpful, because sometimes due to some issues, a person feels helpless. So we are going to share the university’s email and contact number with you. If you face any trouble in the process, then contact the relevant focal person on this number.
Email: Phone Number: 051-2528962
Moreover, for AIOU Degree Verification by post, a student must need a postal address where he/she can send the original documents for attestation. Send your important documents to this address:
To Controller Results,
Block No # 3 AIOU, H/8 Islamabad